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I run, I hide, but I never lie! - Duo Maxwell

< Writings

Title: The Prom

Author: Ligerwolfe

Archive: if applicable


Pairings: 2x5, 1xR, HxOC, 11x13, 5xM, 3x4

Rating: R

Spoilers: There is no real pairing with Duo just mentioning’s, understood past pairings.

Warnings: AU, Yaoi, OC, It’s more of a realization Fic for Duo than any other warning.

Note: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT:DUO IS A GIRL IN THIS FICTION! This story was written out of an acknowledgement of my loneliness at one point and out of a jealousy for a friend’s peaceful love. And I will admit it I am jealous of it.

“So cute.” Duo breathed out as she ran her normal two mile run this after noon.

Her CD player blasted in her ears with some music that she’d had forgotten was even there. Her thoughts were centered on something completely different and her mind was mentally gone. Nothing had changed and yet everything was different with her and she couldn’t figure out why. As she brought her knees up and ran harder Duo completely passed her stopping point and continued, now over doing it.

‘I’m happy yet sad. Smiling yet frowning. What’s wrong with me?’ Duo mentally yelled at herself. It’s prom night at school and I don’t want to go. But I will go, I will go to humor Quatre’s request. Quatre and Trowa, they’re so cute yet so annoying. I told myself month’s ago I would stop taking boyfriends. However now I find myself wanting one more and more. To-night I will go stag and to-night . . . I will be happy for him . . . on the out side.

Duo pushed herself further and further completely forgetting that she would have to be home at three to get ready.

* * * * *

“Where is she?” Quatre asked as he and Trowa stood at Duo’s front door.

“I don’t know.” Her mom said motioning for them to come in the house further, “She left two hours ago for her daily run. She should be back now.”

“Daily run?” Quatre replied, “When did she start running daily?”

“About January, she said it was for prom but it turns out she might have forgotten about it.”

Solo walked in the room, Duo’s older sister and noticing the distressing look on the boy’s faces asked, “What did she do now?”

“She’s late. It’s six; the prom starts at 7, and she’s not only not ready she’s not here.” Quatre replied sitting exasperatedly in a chair.

“When she gets here I’ll have her ready in a half an hour, you’ll be fashionably late.” Solo replied after getting another glass of ale and then walking back into her room.

“Calm down guys and wait here. You’ll know when she comes in because you will here the music in the garage turn on. She’ll be doing pull ups in there when you here that.” Duo’s mom then walked upstairs leaving Quatre and Trowa in the kitchen by themselves.

“Pull ups?” Quatre repeated, his normal thought of Duo leaving all sense, “When did she start doing pull ups?”

Trowa placed his hands upon Quatre’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry hun, she’s fine I know it.”

“Fine is not the problem. The problem is her not talking to me openly.” Quatre replied.

Suddenly they heard Christina Aguilera‘s voice blasting in the garage. Solo walked out the room and into the kitchen were the boy’s were.

“She’s here . . . I just saw her run up. Come on.”

Solo led them back into the garage where the music blasted so loud it almost hurt their ears. Duo was elevated in the air pulling her body up on a bar that she had her father install about two months ago. She seemed completely entranced, not really listening at the music and not really paying attention to what she was doing. Solo walked over and turned off the music.

“Hey!” Duo yelled finally noticing the group but not stopping.

“Did you forget something?” Solo asked.

“Oh shit.”

Duo dropped hard upon the ground, keeping her balance perfectly and registered the tux’s that Quatre and Trowa stood in. She stuttered for a couple of minutes before Solo took her arm and led her back into the house and up the stairs to the bath room.

“Take a shower, wash your hair.”

Duo stared at the closed door and sighed, I’ve done it again. Forgot I was going somewhere with Quatre. I don’t mean to, but it does happen. She started the shower and climbed in ward, losing all clothes.

I’m not sad; I just think I might want a boyfriend now. It’s been months and I’ve gone through at least 2 guys every month. Is that wrong? Is it wrong that when they want to get closer I pull away?

“Duo, come on! I’ve got to lace you up.” Solo said coming into the bathroom as Duo was drying her body.

Duo walked into her bed room and let her hair flow down behind her. She was going to have her sister put some red extensions in her hair for the night. Pulling up her stockings and putting one her skirt she moved to a mirror.

“So you just forgot?” Solo asked as she walked in and helped her button up the corset.

“Yeah, I got to thinking and began to just lose it. I kind of over did it with the run today and didn’t even notice.” Duo replied bending over a chair so that Solo could lace her up.

“I don’t believe that. This isn’t the first time you forgot you had to go somewhere with Quatre and Trowa. What’s up?” Solo asked sitting her down so that she could blow dry out her hair and put the extensions in.

“I just feel like a third wheel when I’m with them. I love them both dearly but a time without them, I would be grateful.”

“You’ve been going through guys like you go through fat now. Yes I’ve noticed . . . A different guy every two weeks.” Solo replied.

“Yeah, that’s what I realized when I was running. Maybe I do want a little commitment. But it’s too late for that.”

“Why do you say that?”

“If I make a commitment with anyone from school now it would never last. We graduate in the next month. It wouldn’t work at all.” Duo replied standing so that she could see how she looked in the mirror.

“Yeah, that’s true. But keep your options open, you’ll never know. Now get down those stairs and get to your prom. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” Solo replied walking out the door with her.

As Duo walked the line that would take her to the staircase she thought to herself more and more, Strength, strength is what you need to get through this night without tears. She paused as she came to the stairs and stared at them. Her feet just barely touching the first step, her mind racing. She quickly cleared it and began to slowly walking downward. To her horror there at the bottom of the stairs and to her right stood both Quatre and Trowa smiling at her.

She forced a smile, though the boys never noticed and finished moving downward, “Sorry guys. I lost track of time.”

“It’s ok.” Quatre forced as well, dying to just plainly asking her what was wrong. “Let’s get going.”

Quatre opened the door and offered her outward first. Before she had come down Trowa had advised not to ask her anything right now because it might ruin their prom night and he didn’t want that. All three said goodbye to Duo’s parents and climbed into the limo that the boys had rented.

Idle chat continued for the next hour as they were driven to the dance hall that the prom was to be held at. Everyone outwardly ignored Duo’s constant forgetfulness when it came to going anywhere with Quatre and Trowa, but inside they were all thinking of it. As they pulled up to the hall the rock music that banged from the walls almost seemed unbearable for Duo. She climbed out the car at the door and looked around at them walking inward. Trowa and Quatre had walked forward already, which was fine with her, and went in.

I need a smoke. She thought moving to the side and pulling a cigarette from her purse. As she took a puff from her newly lit cigarette she began to listen to the music and let it take her in, so that when she did have the balls to walk forward she would be her ‘normal’ self.

“Duo! What happened to you back there? I thought you were following us.” Quatre yelled as he came out to see where she had gone.

“I needed cigarette. I’ll be in, in a minute. Go dance with your boyfriend.” Duo replied taking another puff.

“What’s with you?” Quatre replied grabbing her arm.

“Nothing. Go you’re missing your prom.”

“Something’s wrong and I’m worried about you.” Quatre said in a hushed voice, “I know I can’t get you to do anything you don’t want to do, just promise me you’ll come in eventually. Come see us dance a slow dance?”

“Of course, babe, you know I won’t miss it for anything in the world.”

Quatre leaned down and planted a soft kiss upon her cheek, smiled, and then walked back into the hall. Duo watched with sad eyes as her best friend went to have what adults would call the night of his life. Taking the last puff of her cigarette, Duo decided that it was time for her to go in.

The music slammed her ears even louder as she stepped forward into the hall. Everywhere her ears would take her to girls screaming and laughing over petty things. Old friends that she had known throughout high school danced relatively dirty upon the wood floor in the middle of the room. It didn’t take Duo long to recognize Heero and Relena upon the dance floor, sweaty, and dancing their hearts away.

Time never stopped for those two. Duo thought as she sat down at the table Quatre had placed his jacket at. She just happened to get to him before I did that’s all. No hard feelings. They both threw her a smile and continued to grind hips with each other. The next couple that would pass her gaze just happened to be Wufei and Meiran. God! I had him once. He was mine! She threw them a forced smile as well. Goddamn her, taking him from me. Hehehe I got her back though and broke her life long boyfriend. Served the shit head right.

The chaperons, Mr. Khushrenada and his wife Lady Une passed by her and also gave a smile. I always like him, the History teacher. His wife is beautiful. Soon Zech and his girl friend Noin would come by and insist on some horrid conversation. She humored them and acted like she was interested. Finally a girl that Duo had liked for some time now passed by her giving her a smile that almost melted her. Hirde, I loved her and she turned me down! Stay away from her tonight.

“Duo you must come dance with me!” Quatre yelled over the music grabbing hold of her hands. “Oh no, you know I don’t dance period.” Duo replied resisting the grip.

“You have to!” Quatre returning still trying to pull her up.

“Honey, if she doesn’t want to dance she doesn’t have to.

“Thank you Trowa, at least someone knows me.” Duo teased and watched Trowa and Quatre move back to the dance floor.

Duo smiled as the boys fought there way to the middle of the moshpit and began to jump and dance with the best of them. Seconds later a slow song came on and all the ‘normal’ couples took hands upon the dance floor: Wufei and Meiran, Heero and Relena, Zech and Noin, Hirde and Jon. Then Quatre took Trowa’s hesitant hand and lead him to the dance floor.

Duo watched as the slowly swayed back and forth to the music, all eyes now moving to the two of them. Whispers could be heard; however they completely missed them. Duo nodded her head slight when Quatre caught her eye from over Trowa’s shoulder. Though I envy his happiness I will be there for him when it ends.

* * * * *

“Trowa Barton.” The principal called from the stage at the graduation.

* * * * *

Graduation, I’ve work not as hard as I should have to make it to this day. Like I’ve written far too many times . . . Time passes all too quickly as we stay planted in one spot on this earth . . .

* * * * *

“Chang Wufei.”

* * * * *

. . . Move around and see what it is you were meant to see . . . do what it is you were meant to do . . . Life is short, live it the way you want to live it . . . Duo sat in her car and watched the trees move past her as she sped forward.

* * * * *

“Heero Yuy.”

* * * * *

Dear Quatre and fellow graduates,

I’m sorry, I can’t be here today. Tell my foster parents and sister that I’m fine and that I have to go and find myself. Quatre don’t hate me. If you ever need me, you know how to find me.

-Duo Maxwell, orphan.

* * * * *

“Duo Maxwell”

“I repeat, Duo Maxwell.”

Everyone in cap and gown looked around the garden for an explanation. Quatre stood and searched as far as his eyes could see and ears could hear.

* * * * *

I had sealed the letter tightly and placed on that seat knowing that no one would notice until they would call my name. Life is indeed short and for me to feel like I have lived to my accomplishments I have to leave. Her computer, journal, and book of shadows sat in the next seat taking up space. Her mind was not on the past, though she knew that if Quatre ever need her she would be back in a minute for him, her mind was however on the future. Her future.

* * * * *

“Sir,” A small voice came from the seat that was next to Duo’s chair.


“There’s a letter here.” He said standing and holding it up for all to see.

Quatre jumped three chairs and pushed people out the way to get to that boy and grab the letter. He quickly tore it open and read the contents.

* * * * *

Duo briefly stopped for food and then pressed on further north. She held the talisman that Quatre had created for her around her neck, tightly gripping it so that she never lose the contact she had with him.

* * * * *

Quatre slowly sunk into the closest chair next to him and felt the hot sting of tears form on his cheeks. Around him voices and whispers formed, all trying to figure out what has happened.

“Move! Out of my way.” Trowa voiced softly as he pushed his way through the graduating seniors to get to Quatre, “What is it love?”

Quatre looked up from the paper, eyes stained red. For a second or two his lips tried to find the words to tell them all but he was at a grave loss and nothing escaped those lips except air for a while.

* * * * *

Duo sighed knowing that at this moment Quatre had to have found the letter and read it through at least twice. I wish I could say it was not true ol’ boy. I wish I could just pop up from behind some friend and laugh as you hit me affectionately, but I can’t. I have to leave yet stay.

* * * * *

“Quatre, listen to me. You must tell us what has happened. Look within in yourself and over come the urge to cry just for a moment.” Trowa coxed as he held Quatre in his arms.

“She’s gone!” Quatre let out in a long heavy sob and passed the letter off.

Trowa took it, read it, and replied, “Heero take this to the principal; he must read it aloud.”

Heero nodded and left Trowa to Quatre surrounded by teenagers.

* * * * *

“Goodbye for now Quatre.” Duo whispered into the winds as his car sped along route 66, “I will see you again.”

* * * * *

Quatre looked up at the air as the wind flew by. He stopped his crying for a moment and stared up into the day as the sun shown brightly down on them all. Trowa looked up as though to find something there that Quatre could see. The Principal then, at the microphone, read aloud the short letter and looked out at the crowd.

“She’s ok.” Quatre whispered looking back at Trowa, “She’ll be fine.”

Quatre stood from Trowa’s grasp and looked at everyone around him, “Well what are we standing around for; we have a graduation to finish. Trowa will you help me back to my seat.”

Shocked at Quatre’s development it took Trowa a couple of seconds before complying and standing up. As they walked down the line of chairs and back to his seat Quatre whispered his goodbye’s into the air.

“Relena Peacecraft.” The Principal continued.

* * * * *

“I love you Quatre, always.”

* * * * *

“And I you!”


< Writings